
Lose yourself in a world of
  • dark, ancient forests, witches and faerie changelings ~ Crawley
  • mind-bending alien plants ~ Edn™
  • mermen, selkies, phantom sailors ~ Lore
  • devil-worshippers, piskies and a zombie cat ~ Pixie-Led
  • werewolves and vikings ~ Berserk!
  • a dryad takes on a man with an axe, hippie student thrill-seekers, murderous vegan turkey-lovers and more ~ Solstice

Extraordinary tales of folk horror by Chris Elphick:

Click on an image below to purchase the selected book:

Solstice Stories - 

Three short festive folk horror stories - strange taster tales from the portmanteau novel, Solstice.

Click on the image to purchase the selected title direct from Amazon:

Local Folk-Horror Guides -

Explore the old faery folklore and ghost stories of the Gower Peninsular with these meticulously researched guides. Replete with colour photographs of the landscapes that gave birth to the old haunts of Gower's faeries and ghosts.
Click on the image to purchase the selected title direct from Amazon:


