A Short Gardening Break #9

Hopefully, this will be the last of my short gardening break interlude pics for a while as, after just over two weeks of being treated for acute anxiety, I am beginning to feel more like my old self again. I will get the second draft of my Christmas ghost story out tomorrow and try to do at least a little work on it. Fingers crossed.

For now though, here is a picture I took of my tortoise enjoying the garden yesterday...

A Short Gardening Break #7

I am feeling a little brighter this morning so hopefully, my shortening gardening break will soon give way to some serious writing. Fingers crossed...

A Short Gardening Break #6

I love my shed door knocker :)

A Short Gardening Break #4

My head is still well and truly locked in the shed at the moment as I struggle with my new anti-anxiety meds. And so on I continue with some more pics from my garden: