Showing posts with label Guy N Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guy N Smith. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Go this Sway

I spent the day learning more about Microsoft Sway for my new role as a Communications Officer at work. Here is what I came up with - an advert for my new Guy N Smith zine. Go this way, as they say, to see my new Guy N Smith book, out August 1st, 2024.

Archiving Guy

 My Guy N Smith books ready for boxing up in the attic:

Sunday 14 July 2024


Spending time spotting the errors in the proofs of my Guy N Smith book that arrived yesterday morning. As well as fixing them, I will change the answers to the x2 quizzes to a feinter print so they don't stand out too much and spoil the fun. The publication date is just a couple of weeks away now 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀.

Tomorrow marks Day 1 of my next 100-day project - my fourth Explore Gower guidebook, Tidal Gower. During this time, I will also revamp some of my other Gower guidebooks.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Tuesday 25 June 2024

A Promise is a Promise

Just 2 weeks left to complete my zine celebrating 50 years of Guy N Smith's novels. It will be done, even if I only have half a screen left to work on.

Saturday 22 June 2024


Noooooo! My laptop screen is broken!

Friday 14 June 2024

Cutting the Page Count

Fine-tuning my Guy N Smith zine, which will be available to buy next month. Trying to squeeze the page count to tighten the content and make it cheaper to buy. Currently standing at 140 pages...

Sunday 2 June 2024

Last Day Of GNS Photograhy

Finally completed my model photoshoots (models meaning my toy figures) for the upcoming Guy N Smith zine.

Unfortunately, to keep prices low, I have needed to excise 24 pages of the zine. But there's still enough content to keeps readers of the publication interested when it reaches the shelves.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Crab War!

My day job has been really getting me down of late, but I finally found the time today to crack on with my upcoming Guy N Smith zine. This is day 60(?) of my 100-day project to get this book published, so I really need to crack on with it. Here are some pics of today's photoshoot depicting the GNS battle between the army and the giant crabs in Night of the Crabs. I hope you like them:

Saturday 25 May 2024


I picked up this little fella from our hilltop house this morning and ordered myself some little army figures to do battle with him. Hoping the upcoming photoshoot would have made Guy N Smith proud.

There is going to be one hell of a battle ahead..! But, today, he rests.

Sunday 19 May 2024

Reading and Writing

A chilled middle day of my 3-day weekend. Popped up to our house at the top of the hill as we waited for our laundry to wash. It was nice to find the electrics are all sorted in the house now. The landlord is just waiting for the surveyor to complete their report now and then he can start getting the place fixed up for us.  Our garden there is now in full bloom and it is such a shame that we can only enjoy its colourful splendour in fits and starts.

The weather is a bit too hot for me at the moment, but I managed to get the bulk of my Tricho cacti out in our temporary bottom of the hill garden so they could sunbathe with The Mont.

I spent the hottest part of the afternoon indoors, catching up on some reading...

...and finally managed to do a little more work on my Gut N Smith zine in the night. Noting that I am already 51 days into that particular 100-day project, it felt great to get stuck into that again.

Wednesday 1 May 2024


A quiet day, spent variably chilling with my cat, working on my GNS and Explore Gower projects  and writing.


Tuesday, 30 April, 2023

Making the most of my week away from the office. My Guy N Smith book is coming along nicely, as is my next novel, Familiar. My Explore Gower and Swansea Photography sites are up and running, I've cleaned up the design of this blog, and now I've started work on my next Gower guidebook, Tidal Gower.

Picking up our mail from our old house in the evening, I found a very special package waiting for me. If there is such a thing as grail items in the world of Guy N Smith collecting, then these are two are top of that list.