The digital home of author, artist & photographer Chris Elphick | All content, unless otherwise stated, is copyrighted © Chris Elphick
Showing posts with label Cold Comfort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cold Comfort. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 March 2024

Cold Comfort - Done and Dusted

Thursday, 28 March, 2024

Monday, 25 March 2024

The Doors of Hell Have Opened

 Monday, 25 March, 2024

I hope this little beast of a book will be published in a week or so. The Cover design is done and dusted (see above), and the formatting of the novel for publishing is now also completed. I've just got to do a quick page-by-page check on the final typeset work, and then it will be ready...

What's next? I hope I hear you ask? Well, it's finally time for me to sort out that Guy N Smith zine I have been promising for so long. After that, I'm not too sure. I had planned on producing a second issue of Avalon, but with the cancellation of our Glaston visit for the May Day celebrations, I am going to put that on hold for a year. Reissuing/reworking my Hand in Gove book may be an option as this theme seems to have grown in popularity recently, but I'm not too certain yet. And my fourth Gower book, Tidal Gower, will still probably conclude my publications this year. 

Of course, while all the above is going on, I will be writing my ninth horror novel, Familiar, and ideas for it are already coming thick and fast.

Until my next post, keep happy :)

Sunday, 24 March 2024


 Sunday, 24 March, 2024

Peace. My favourite thing in the world right now.

We decided we needed a day away from the house today. And with beautiful sunshine being the order of the day, I enjoyed a nice little sit down outside the caravan in the afternoon :)

I finally put Cold Comfort to bed in the evening. I won't lie, this novel was a bit of a beast to write and is definitely the longest of my novels. 

Friday, 22 March 2024

An early morning sesh

Friday, 22 March, 2024

An early morning writing sesh. Just a couple more days and Cold Comfort will finally be completed.

Sunday, 17 March 2024


Sunday, 17 March, 2024 

Today, we are taking a break from the house for our health and sanity. Here's Fudge sleeping as I continue working on my next novel this morning. Remarkably, it's still on track to be published at the end of this month!

And whilst leaving the caravan site's laundrette this afternoon, I came across this fella. It looks like fudj is not the only cat on this particular block.

Saturday, 2 March 2024

A Neighbourbood Walk

Saturday, 02 March, 2024

Unfortunately, the wonders of my fortnightly meds have worn off now (apparently it takes 16 weeks for them to build up in your system so that their effects last the full two weeks between injections). And so I am in a bit of a pickle again. At least the return of sleepless nights means I can increase my work on my Cold Comfort novel.

In the meantime, I am just going to try and keep myself as busy as again and try and take my mind off physical discomfort. With that in mind, I forced myself out of the house this morning and took a short walk around the neighbourhood:

The magic of a Spring sunshine

Last Christmas

The weathered paintwork reminded me of an atlas of long-lost continents

Cold Comfort Book Cover

26 years late, but my 8th novel is out next month! An evil woodland spirit deceives a serial killer as it plots to raise a legion of demons from the pits of hell...

Friday, 1 March 2024

Winter's End (2024) Update

Friday, 01 March, 2024

It is Spring at last! That was one harsh winter, wasn't it? Anyway, we are through it now, and it is time to look forward to better things...

Healthwise, I am hoping for a fantastic season ahead. My new meds, seen as a wonder drug by my consultant, have proved as good as promised and I officially return to my day job next Thursday.

Over the past winter, I have managed to progress my Cold Comfort novel and it is just a matter of formatting the thing now prior to its publication, which still has its official release date of March 31 intact - although this may stretch into April if anything gets in my way of progress it this month.

Progress of my Guy N Smith book is also going well, with all my Lego photography completed (I still don't know what to do with all the GNS Lego dioramas I've created over the past few months). I have one field trip lined up before completing this particular book. This was originally going to involve a visit to Hopwas Wood, the scene of The Sucking Pit and numerous other GNS tales, with Knighton being a reserve alternative should the weather prove too wet for woodland walking. With the continuing uncertainty surrounding the location of the bomb crater in Hopwas Wood (whose rain-filled depths inspired The Sucking Pit), I have decided to delay this visit for another day (and probably another year). Instead, I have now decided that my field trip will be to Shell Bay, the location of GNS' classic Night of the Crabs. This change of location came as a relief to my wife and son, who will accompany me on this field trip, as there is far more to occupy my family's time on the coast of North Wales than a meander through a single woodland. Knighton remains in reserve if the weather forecast proves too gloomy for beach camping at the time. The GNS book is still scheduled for a close of June 2024 release.

Prior to the above field trip, the three of us (and hopefully my daughter if she can find the time) have another trip planned, this time to Glastonbury so I can take photographs for Issue 2 of Glastonbury guidebooks, Avalon. This should be my third publication of 2024, scheduled for the end of September.

After that, I will be working on my fourth Gower guidebook - Tidal Gower. 

After that, my prospective 9th novel, about a girl's unusual friendship with a toad - Familiar - should lead me nicely into 2025...

Here's hoping the nice weather brings good times for myself, my family and all my friends, readers and site visitors. Have a love Spring :)

Monday, 26 February 2024

Cold Comfort Blues (Part 2) - Sorted

Monday, February 26, 2024 

Wow. My lovely daughter asked me to trawl through the attic for old pics of her with her old Pokemon toys. As I will do literally anything she wants, I obliged lol. And my reward? As I reached the end of over a 100 pages of old print outs of 20 year old digital pics, I came upon all the missing pages of my Cold Comfort novel, lost for over 20 years. Game on! And just as I was having fun working on my Guy N Smith zine lol.


Cold Comfort Blues (Part 1)

It's not looking good for Cold Comfort meeting it's March 31 deadline. My DVD reader seems to think all my old Data CDs are blank. Which they aren't as I accessed then in the past. I will try them in another drive but I'm not feeling too hopeful at finding those missing two chapters. And, to be honest, I'm not in the mood for rewriting 10,000 words of content I last read 26 years ago. Yet. And so, I'm moving on with my GNS project early... Click pic to see it properly as fb insists on cutting a large section of the image off its preview.

Sunday, 18 February 2024

"I'm happy. Hope you're happy too."

Sunday, February 19, 2024

Work on Cold Comfort has progressed nicely over the past few days and I am firmly on track to getting the end of my final edit completed before the close of the week. We'll, kind of. As I have already noted, this is both my 8th and 1st novel, it's infant draft being completed over 25 years ago before being stuffed in a drawer and half forgotten about. Unfortunately, over that time, and enduring no less than 4 house moves, Chapters 1 and two of the book have vanished. Wanting to keep to my deadline of getting the beast published by the end of March, that will give me 5 or so weeks to search all my old files that have been aphazardly stored on recordable CDs over the years. My wife bought me CD drive last Christmas for the unenviable task. I only hope the search for the missing chapters will prove worthwhile as I REALLY do not look forward to rewriting them. Please, wish me luck.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Guy N Smith - Satan's Snowdrop (Lego Version)

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 

My GNS Lego project for my upcoming Guy N Smith fanzine is progressing nicely. Working at these set-ups has helped take my mind off my health woes this last week or so, and I have a few more to keep me busy. My novel, Cold Comfort, is also progressing nicely and is ahead of schedule. Expect the latter to be published at the end of March 2024 and the former to be available by the close of June... In the meantime, here is my completed Lego version of Guy's Satan's Snowdrop:

Thursday, 4 January 2024

Lights, Camera, Action

Thursday, December 4, 2024

Picked up these lights for £2 in the B&Q sale so I rammed them inside a glass head. In other news, after a 7-week break, I am writing again 🫡

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Cold Comfort - Crackin' On

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Despite working 10-hour days in the office, I am keeping to my writing schedule for Cold Comfort:

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Sunday Mega-Edit

Sunday, September 24, 2023

A Sunday mega-edit with Fudge today:

Saturday, 23 September 2023

fudcat hating on my laptop again. bless her

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Monday, 17 July 2023

Vampires from Hell

Sunday, July 16, 2023

 I have felt very rushed with work and deadlines lately, both with my writing career and in my day job. To try and get at least a few of my evenings back, I devoted this past weekend to getting my novella completed, which I am happy to report has now been accomplished.  So, you may ask, what next?

Well, first of all, I am going to remove the deadline for Cold Comfort, which had been set for the end of 2023. Now, Cold Comfort has one hell of a long word count, and whilst it is true that the novel is on its final third edit, it still requires a fair bit of work. Expect to see that novel out sometime in 2024  now, along with another project that has been quite a while in the waiting - Pyewacket. I haven't written anything remotely to do with Pyewacket for a while now, but the plot of the book has been on my mind. I have high hopes for Pyewacket,  but don't hold your breath waiting to get your hands on a copy. Not just yet anyway...

In the meanwhile, look out for another fotozine on a topic close to my heart coming out sometime over the next few months. These are a lot easier to put together than novels or guidebooks. Plus I actually enjoy putting these together. So, whilst I am intending to go slow with my next couple of writing projects, I won't be lazy. So, watch this space...

Monday, 31 October 2022

A Sunday Sesh

Sunday, March 19, 2023

A Sunday morning writing session, squished between these two furballs. Making the most of my last day before returning to the day job...

Cold Comfort & One Night Buried Book Covers

 I was due back at work today but instead phoned the office to take the rest of the week off. I have had a pretty productive few days editing and decided I was in no mood for working for the man whilst enjoying this rush of creativity.

Making the most of this unexpected extra time off, I managed to sort out the covers of the novels I am currently working on and which should be published later in the year. I am more than happy with the pair of them and am classing March 16th, 2023, as a day well spent. :)

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Cold Comfort ~ Draft 2 Completed

Monday, March 13, 2023

I completed the second draft of Cold Comfort this morning. :) I don't have to think about it again for 3 months as I begin working on draft two of my other novel earmarked for publication later this year - One Night Buried. In the meantime, I can relax and prepare for my night out with my son in Cardiff to see the mighty Garth Marenghi!