Showing posts with label Vampires in Chains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vampires in Chains. Show all posts

Sunday 21 May 2023

May Holiday, Day 2

Sunday, May 21, 2023

2/10. Well, day 1 of my holiday was lovely. It was my gorgeous wife's birthday and also our wedding anniversary. And the weather was glorious. I managed to get a lot of work done and should now be able to complete the second draft of ViC this evening. Meaning I can now do some planning and map out the north Gower WW2 anti-invasion sites I want to photograph tomorrow. Oh, how I love a holiday. The only sadness is that my meds warn that I have to keep out of the sun so I have to sit in the shade all day lol.

Tuesday 18 April 2023

2/3 Way Through ONB d2

Monday, April 17, 2023

I am currently running ten days ahead of schedule. I guess I can stop writing this evening and give this one the attention she is craving.

Monday 31 October 2022

Companion Writing

Friday, March 16, 2023

Cracking on with the second draft of One Night Dead. When fudjcat let's mem

Wednesday 17 August 2022

Monday 15 August 2022

Tuesday 9 August 2022

Thursday 4 August 2022

Burning the candles at both ends

October 24/25, 2022
Well, who would have thought it? Not me, for one. Yet here I am, working on a vampire novel!

The plot and main characters just sparked in my head the other night in the kind of clarity that my muse has been shy of delivering this past year. I received it's suggestion with earnest thanks and have made it my duty as I writer to crack on with translating these flashes of storylines into words on a page.

I'm tired now, but before I go, I thought I would use the opportunity offered by this post to communicate my publishing plans for the year ahead. I have nothing at the moment we close to publication but I do plan to release three completed books over the course of 2023. 

The first to reach the Amazon shop will be this vampire novel I am currently working on. This will be followed, sometime in late Spring by my local history book detailing the WW2 structures still visible on the Gower peninsula. My final publication, The Curious Adventures of Mister Pyewacket should reach the light of day by late 2023, after which I really have no idea what I will be working on.
But, as usual, watch this space and I am sure these will be detailed at the earliest opportunity...

Tuesday 2 August 2022


October 22, 2022

It's not often I throw an all-nighter. But it's a rare treat to have a new storyline present itself to me so vividly, and such moments have to be savoured.