Wednesday 24 July 2024

Go this Sway

I spent the day learning more about Microsoft Sway for my new role as a Communications Officer at work. Here is what I came up with - an advert for my new Guy N Smith zine. Go this way, as they say, to see my new Guy N Smith book, out August 1st, 2024.

Archiving Guy

 My Guy N Smith books ready for boxing up in the attic:

Monday 22 July 2024

Making the most out a bad situation

 Made the most of my dentist visit this afternoon by taking some more pics for my Sweyne's Eye project. These are my favourite inages of the day: 

You can view the full set of images here.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Ghost Story Books

I've started protecting and archiving my books that survived the house fire. The many I had to throw were due to either smoke or water damage.Today, I started with bagging and boxing some of my ghost story books. More will follow...

Saturday 20 July 2024

Changes, they say, come in 3's

It really has been a month of change. First we have had a welcome change of government. Then, a change of house as we finally got to move back home after the fire that took place there back in March. And now I have a change in work as I managed to snag this gem of a position:

My day job really has been getting me down lately as repetition really grinds my brain cogs. The thought of sitting down at my office desk and repeating the same mundane tasks every ten minutes makes me want to scream, and I've been using up a lot of annual leave lately just because I wasn't able to face going to work. Regular readers of this blog will know that I have been spending a lot of time recently working on job applications and not that effort has paid off. Now I have a new and challenging role to play in the office as a Communications Officer for the PCS Union I and welcome this fresh experience with open arms 😀

Sunday 14 July 2024


Spending time spotting the errors in the proofs of my Guy N Smith book that arrived yesterday morning. As well as fixing them, I will change the answers to the x2 quizzes to a feinter print so they don't stand out too much and spoil the fun. The publication date is just a couple of weeks away now 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀.

Tomorrow marks Day 1 of my next 100-day project - my fourth Explore Gower guidebook, Tidal Gower. During this time, I will also revamp some of my other Gower guidebooks.

Monday 8 July 2024

Good Morning

I woke up this morning to see little fudjcat's shadow on our airing cupboard door as she sat on our bedroom windowsill re-familiarising herself with her view of old.

Having another day off work, we then drove the removal van back to the rental company, where I spotted these little treasures:

Sunday 7 July 2024

GNS Day 99/100

My GNS book has been completed on Day 99 of my 100 day project. It will be available for purchase on August 1st. Time now to start work on my third book of 2024 - Tidal Gower, which will explore the many fascinating places to explore along Gower's tide line...

Saturday 6 July 2024

Moving Home Day

Moving back in day after the house fire back in March.
