January 17, 2022
I've been suffering from a second bout of the dreaded covids this past week. Whilst my current state of health was certainly not helped with this further attack upon it defences, the isolation forced upon me by this virus has allowed time for both physical and mental rest. And today, my convalescence finally brought my old muse back to life.
Pyewacket turned out to be the writing project interesting enough to draw my pen back to the page, even though I know I had been neglecting my portmanteau novel, Solstice, for too long. But, for the time being, my health has to take priority over my creative projects and I am not going to force my writing direction. And although Pyewacket is a much later project, with a more distanced deadline, at the moment I am not going to force my hand. Right now, tonight, I am just happy to have found myself finally writing something again... :)