The digital home of author, artist & photographer Chris Elphick | All content, unless otherwise stated, is copyrighted © Chris Elphick
Showing posts with label London. Show all posts
Showing posts with label London. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Kew Gardens

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Heading home day, but not before a family visit to Kew Gardens:

Two particular highlights I simply had to share from the Gardens was the Pagoda and the giant lily pads:

The steps to the top of the pagoda were not a particular challenge, but I think the video of my descent (albeit sped up) just how the building is. Definitely worth the extra fiver they claw from your pocket to undertake the climb and the view of Kew and the distant London cityscape are outstanding.

I'll close this series of holiday posts with a short video of the popular giant lily pads. I hope you enjoy:

'Twas time for a teary farewell then as my daughter and her partner headed back to Norwich and the rest of us returned to rainy ole Swansea...

Saturday, 5 August 2023

Under the Weather Hero

Saturday, August 5, 2023

The second day of our family get-together. Unfortunately, it was also the day I take my meds, and I felt more than rough for the full day. So, not too many pics today, but feeling quiet, I took a nice little audio snapshot of the family as we floated gently along the Thames. Whilst that's for the family album, here's the pics I took:

Friday, 4 August 2023

The Day I Met Meowth

Friday, August 4, 2023

Spent the morning doing a little writing before everyone else woke up, then took a chilled stroll along the Thames near our home for the weekend, in a most beautiful part of London, Mosely.

We all took a nice stroll through Bushy Park in the afternoon. The place was full of parakeets, squirrels, rabbits, trout and Red Deer. Heaven on Earth.

I kind of held my nerve for longer than I should have for the following video. Looking back, I kinda wish I had held it a while longer, but better safe than sorry.

I even got to tickle a trout!

 All in all, a great day outdoors :) I even bumped into this character!

Meowth's fur was softer than I had imagined

Whilst I have a strong dislike of London (it's way too busy and polluted), I think I could live in Mosely quite happily.

Monday, 21 October 2019


A quick pic of the old Battersea Power Station building as it is being transformed into apartments. Captured on-the-fly as we drove past on our way home from our holiday weekend in London:

Sunday, 20 October 2019

The Thames ~ Old and New

I had a bit of a wander along the edge of the Thames this afternoon and happened upon these lovely wooden structures erupting from the shingle and mud. I particularly liked the contract of this decaying old building with the modern high-rise blocks on the other side of the river at Canary Wharf:

Field Recording - London Underground

Stick a good pair of headphones on, close your eyes, and immerse yourself in the chatter and ambient sounds of the London Underground: