Showing posts with label Gower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gower. Show all posts

Saturday 11 May 2024

Hermon Chapel at Night

Mobile phone camera technology is getting pretty insane. The following two photographs were taken on my pretty old Samsung phone in complete darkness using a hand-held six-second exposure. And this is why I only use camera phones for my photography and left behind 'real' cameras many years ago.


Friday 10 May 2024

A Night Down Rhossili To Remember

With my better half's Aurora-Watch app kicking off big style this evening, we decided to head on down to good old Rhossili, where we arrived just in time for a perfect sunset.

Free-roaming horses on Fairwood Common

Settling ourselves on the top of Rhossili Cliffs for the evening, we then waited for dusk, then the darkness to fall. 

The weather was perhaps the warmest it's been all year, and the sky was clear. Our hopes were high for a good Aurora display, as it was for many other people who later filled the clifftop until, by 11p.m., it was busier there than on a hot Summer's day in August!

And then, around 11p.m., the skies suddenly came alive with colour! And not just in the northern portion of the sky. These lights literally filled the sky in a phantasmagorical display!

It was one of, if not the best, natural phenomenons I have ever seen and definitely a night to remember.

Sunday 21 April 2024

A North Gower Marsh Drive

Sunday, 21 April, 2024

Our last drive through the North Gower marshland. Tomorrow we head back to the city.

Friday 19 April 2024

Goodbye Penclawdd (for mow)

 Thursday, 18 April, 2024

I took a last goodbye (for now) walk around Penclawdd this evening after work. The lighting wasn't too fantastic, hence my choice of black and white for a number of the shots. I've enjoyed my time living back near the marsh and have felt the magical sense of hiraeth for the first time in my life, Sadly, the city calls...

If you enjoy my creative work, please help support this blog and my other creative projects. You can buy me a coffee there to sustain me through the marathon. THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND SUPPORT.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Penclawdd Industrial Revolution Slag

Sunday, 14 April, 2014

I took a walk out to the old rocks on the east side of the Penclawdd marsh this afternoon. These curious large boulders on the east end of the Penclawdd marsh are the industrial slag waste from the old metal works that were once located here and formed part of Britain's historic Industrial Revolution. During that time, coal, tinplate, lead, copper, silver and brass were all worked on this part of the Gower coastline. Today, as you can see, the landscape this industry once polluted to drive Britain's wealth is a scene of serenity.

I have been meaning to visit this area of Penclawdd for a while now, but I have always failed to take decent photos of these 'rocks'. I'm happy with the images I managed to harvest today, though. They will be useful for my Explore Gower book, Tidal Gower, which I shall be working on later in the year.

If you enjoy my creative work, please help support this blog and my other creative projects. You can buy me a coffee there to sustain me through the marathon. THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND SUPPORT.


Saturday 13 April 2024

Another Sunset Drive

 Saturday, 13 April, 20024

I'm going to miss this place.