Showing posts with label Sweyne's Eye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweyne's Eye. Show all posts

Saturday 15 June 2024

Copper Jack/ Birthday Boy

 Started 59th year (yes it my 58th birthday) by taking a trip down the Tawe river on the Copper Jack. It was an excellent 90 minute cruise, complete with a full audio narration. I recommend it highly. 

For more pics from the cruise, check out Sweyne's Eye.

We then had luncheon in The Red Lion pub before heading back to our temporary house for a chilled evening with little fudjcakes:

Wednesday 31 August 2022

No! Don't set me off again.

Don't worry lol. There won't be a sequel to this old classic.

Friday 4 March 2022

Sweyne's Eye - Swansea Sunsets

Ahead of schedule, you can now get your mits on this beast of a fotozine 🙂

Tuesday 1 March 2022

Swansea City Sunsets - Introduction Time

With 28 days left of my deadline to finish and publish the latest edition of Sweyne's Eye, it's time for me to turn my attention to writing the introduction to the collection of sunset photographs featured in the zine. I have a feeling that this zine might be completed a good few weeks ahead of schedule...

Writing the introduction to the latest Sweyne's Eye zine

Monday 28 February 2022

Swansea City Sunsets Zine Update

 March 01, 2022

I have just 29 days left until the latest edition of my fotography zine Sweyne's Eye goes to press. All the photographic content is now in place and just needs fine-tuning in situ on the page. Gotta say, I am a little bit happy with this special edition zine :

To continue whetting your appetite, here are x3 more images from the forthcoming zine, featuring Swansea's picturesque Cockett Church: 

Thursday 24 February 2022

Swansea Bus Stop Sunsets

x2 more images from the next issue of my fotozine Sweyne's Eye. Swansea sunsets viewed through bus stops:

Monday 21 February 2022

Swansea City Sunsets

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

With the publication date of the latest edition of Sweyne's Eye rapidly looming (T-35 days), I thought it best I at least got the cover of the zine sorted. And here it is:


There may still be a few tweaks that need addressing before the zine goes on the market, but I am happy with today's progress :)

Saturday 12 February 2022

Swansea Maritime Quarter

I am continuing to make decent progress on the latest Sweyne's Eye fotozine. This issue will be devoted to some of the sunset images I have captured of Swansea City. Whilst the zine will feature its fair share of silhouetted cityscapes against blazing orange skies, I will also try to share some more unusual sunset shots, such a these two pics, taken in Swansea's maritime quarter.

Friday 11 February 2022

Sweyne's Eye - Swansea City Sunsets

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Feeling a little brighter health-wise this past weekend, I finally made a good bit of progress on my next publishing project - the latest Sweyne's Eye photography zine, this next edition being titled Swansea City Sunsets. With just 45 days left to meet its deadline, this sudden headway came as a bit of a relief. My sight is now positively focussed on this target date.

The following set of of two images, taken from the upcoming zine, details the cobbled lane at Swansea Marina:

Saturday 18 September 2021

More Swansea Sunsets 4 - 7

 A few more episode to whet your appetite for the next issue of Sweyne's Eye :)

Swansea Sunsets 3

I love the effect the rain gives off in this photograph of a sun-shower over Townhill Park, Swansea. This image will 100% appear in the latest issue of my fotozine Sweyne's Eye:

Tuesday 14 September 2021

A Busy Day

With my fotozine Passenger Seat now sent to the press, I think its time to curate a new series of photographs for the forthcoming new Sweyne's Eye zine. It's tentatively titled Swansea City Sunsets. Here are the first two pics from the project:

"The Big Dipper", Mt. Pleasant, Swansea

Saturday 1 August 2020

T - 9 Days

I have just nine days left of my pandemic lockdown before I return to work :o/ 

Determined to make the most of this time, today I finally managed to completed the latest Sweyne's Eye photography zine. It should be hopefully be published sometime over the next few days :) 

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Hand i̶n̶ Glove 2?

With so many of these gloves being discarded on the streets during lock-down, I am giving serious thought to producing a sequel to Sweyne's Eye ~ (Hand i̶n̶ Glove)

Monday 4 May 2020

Sweyne's Eye - Hulls

A couple of close-ups of some boat hulls that line the western strand of Swansea Bay: These pics are published in this issue os Sweyne's Eye.