I have felt very rushed with work and deadlines lately, both with my writing career and in my day job. To try and get at least a few of my evenings back, I devoted this past weekend to getting my novella completed, which I am happy to report has now been accomplished. So, you may ask, what next?
Monday, 17 July 2023
Vampires from Hell
I have felt very rushed with work and deadlines lately, both with my writing career and in my day job. To try and get at least a few of my evenings back, I devoted this past weekend to getting my novella completed, which I am happy to report has now been accomplished. So, you may ask, what next?
Thursday, 25 August 2022
The first writing Sesh of the year always feel good.
Monday, 1 August 2022
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
With the closing of Magickal Gardening until early 2023, and time off from my day job to recover from a suffocating cold virus, this morning gave me the opportunity of progressing my next book - The Curious Adventures of Mister Jonathon Pyewacket.
This story is not my usual folk-horror fodder, though it is set in both the real and magickal world. It is, instead, a twisted children's story about a man borne from a love affair 'tween a human mother and an elf. Bored by the mundanity of the 'real' world, he nips in and out from the world of fae, to make his life more bearable. Unfortunately, if this has whetted your appetite to read the tale, I am still progressing the storyline on its first draft so this won't be available for purchase just yet...
Thursday, 21 July 2022
Monday, 4 July 2022
Incy Wincy
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Tomorrow I return to the job that pays my bills. I thought I'd make the most of my remaining free time with a little creative writing. As I opened my writing pad, a small spider scrambled across the page and lingered there. It was nice seeing him take such a keen interest in my work-in-progress 😀
Sunday, 3 July 2022
Ironing Pyewacket
Saturday, 2 July 2022
My muse flutters its wings
I have finally decided the narrative voice that will be used to tell the tale of Jonathan Pyewacket. Hopefully, this decision will give the unfurling story a decisive edge and clear the story of unnecessary 'clutters...
Thursday, 12 May 2022
Strange Pyewacket
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Suffolk (2)
Sunday, 8 May 2022
Suffolk (1)
June 06, 2022
Had a much-needed getaway this past weekend. I didn't take many pictures as I am still out-of-sorts health-wise. I took the trip with my wife and son to meet up with my daughter (who lives too many miles away on the other side of the country) and her partner. They stayed in the house we had rented- my son on the first floor, my daughter and her partner on the self-contained second floor. My wife and I cwtched up in the nearby shepherd's hut.Tuesday, 22 February 2022
Mister Jonathan Pyewacket Begins to Disappear
Mister Jonathan Pyewacket beginning to disappear in the fog. From Chapter One of my current W.I.P. - The Peculiar Adventures of Mister Jonathan Pyewacket...
Friday, 4 February 2022
The fruits of insomnia
Sunday, February 06, 2022
Insomnia dragged me down from my bed in the wee small hours of this morning. And, grabbing myself a hot water bottle and a mug of tea, I settled myself beneath a blanket on the living room settee to while away some time working on my Pyewacket storyline.
My writing proved quite fruitful, in more senses than one, and I came away from the session having moved the story on quite nicely. I also constructed a hopefully achieveable plan of action to make a December 01, 2022 publication date for the story 🙂
The book will introduce the protagonist Jonathan Pyewacket and follows his first bizarre adventure when he inexplicably finds himself in a fairy tale world of spellcraft commerce. The book will feature four main characters and glimpses of further magical and eccentric people who could feature in further tales set in the world. I won't give away any more details right now, except to say that this first story in a possible series of escapades is going to be rather fruity.
I haven't been this excited with a writing project for quite a while 🙂
Wednesday, 26 January 2022
Tuesday, 18 January 2022
Monday, 17 January 2022
Writing by candlelight tonight
I've been suffering from a second bout of the dreaded covids this past week. Whilst my current state of health was certainly not helped with this further attack upon it defences, the isolation forced upon me by this virus has allowed time for both physical and mental rest. And today, my convalescence finally brought my old muse back to life.
Thursday, 9 December 2021
Hectic Times...
Sunday, 21 November 2021
Monday, 27 September 2021
Norfolk Holiday - pyewacket & pottery shards
A whimsy brought to life...
I started a new writing project today- Pyewacket. It's a strange little tale and I am currently thinking of writing it in a similar vein to one of my earlier novellas - Pixie-Led (i.e. written in a simple, innocent voice but dealing with strange events). I have been mulling the story over for quite a while now. And this morning, with a view like this, I really could not think of a better time to bring the beast to life :)