The digital home of author, artist & photographer Chris Elphick | All content, unless otherwise stated, is copyrighted © Chris Elphick

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Happy Reading

August 30, 2023 

I am really enjoying this book - probably one of GNS' best...

Saturday, 26 August 2023

Guy N Smith - The Dark One

August 26, 2023

Time to start reading my 16th GNS book of the year. 

Thursday, 24 August 2023

GNS Update

August 24, 2023

It's been a busy, and non too cheap, week here on the GNS front. First of all, I managed to grab these four fighters from a previous collector, which included that scarce and probably rarest GNS to find in today's market - Deadbeat.

The have now found their new home snuggled against other classics from "the great scribbler", including Guy's autobiography, which I was offered the day after I purchased above.

Unfortunately, the above titled isn't signed, so if anyone out there reading this has a signed copy they think might find a good home with me, please let me know.

Anyway, here's a pic of my GNS collection as it stands today. This includes all of his books, chapbooks, fanzines and actual hand-written manuscripts from the writer. For those interested in a more in-depth guide to my collection, please click here:

Coincidentally, I finished reading my 15th GNS book today. And so I pulled my 16th read from the shelves above:

 I sourced this book a few months back from an online USA thrift shop. And now it's time to open it's cover on this side of the Atlantic and delve into another of Guy's dark work of horror fiction...

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Monday, 21 August 2023

Chilling with the Furry Girls

August 21. 2023

Sunday, 20 August 2023

My Caldey Island Fuscia Clone

Sunday, August 20, 2023

I have been enjoying the free time my August break from writing has given me. This opportunity to chill a little outside of my day job has allowed me to enjoy our garden again and, more specifically, the plants that grow in it.

Take this fuscia, for example. I grew this bush from a tiny 4-leaf cutting I took from the mother plant on Caldey Island a good few years back. I remember pinching off those few leaves and dropping them inside mt empty bottle of diet coke to keep it humid until I got home as though it happened only yesterday. Yet look at it now, as big and sprawling and colourful as its mamma plant that still grows on the holy island off the coast of Tenby :)


Monday, 7 August 2023

Me and the Bad Bois

Monday, August 7, 2023

 I've decided to take a much needed break from writing through the month of August. Going to chill for a few weeks and get some of my garden and houseplants in some kind of order. 

My writing will pick up again in September, when I will start working on Tidal Gower in earnest and continue bashing my Zombie novel in shape...

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Kew Gardens

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Heading home day, but not before a family visit to Kew Gardens:

Two particular highlights I simply had to share from the Gardens was the Pagoda and the giant lily pads:

The steps to the top of the pagoda were not a particular challenge, but I think the video of my descent (albeit sped up) just how the building is. Definitely worth the extra fiver they claw from your pocket to undertake the climb and the view of Kew and the distant London cityscape are outstanding.

I'll close this series of holiday posts with a short video of the popular giant lily pads. I hope you enjoy:

'Twas time for a teary farewell then as my daughter and her partner headed back to Norwich and the rest of us returned to rainy ole Swansea...

Saturday, 5 August 2023

Under the Weather Hero

Saturday, August 5, 2023

The second day of our family get-together. Unfortunately, it was also the day I take my meds, and I felt more than rough for the full day. So, not too many pics today, but feeling quiet, I took a nice little audio snapshot of the family as we floated gently along the Thames. Whilst that's for the family album, here's the pics I took:

Friday, 4 August 2023

The Day I Met Meowth

Friday, August 4, 2023

Spent the morning doing a little writing before everyone else woke up, then took a chilled stroll along the Thames near our home for the weekend, in a most beautiful part of London, Mosely.

We all took a nice stroll through Bushy Park in the afternoon. The place was full of parakeets, squirrels, rabbits, trout and Red Deer. Heaven on Earth.

I kind of held my nerve for longer than I should have for the following video. Looking back, I kinda wish I had held it a while longer, but better safe than sorry.

I even got to tickle a trout!

 All in all, a great day outdoors :) I even bumped into this character!

Meowth's fur was softer than I had imagined

Whilst I have a strong dislike of London (it's way too busy and polluted), I think I could live in Mosely quite happily.

Thursday, 3 August 2023

The Whispering Sky

Thursday, August 3, 2023 

Needing to get away for a few days to meet up with my daughter, we took a long weekend break in Mosely, London, where we rented an apartment for three nights. The weather forecast was gloomy but as we crossed the Severn Bridge to England, the sky whispered a promise for a brighter few days ahead.