Showing posts with label Some Place Different. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Some Place Different. Show all posts

Saturday 23 October 2021

Late Morning with the Furry Girls

Friday, October 22, 2021

Having a late morning in bed, working on my new Some Place Different zine.

Friday 22 October 2021

Someplace Different

I am having fun working on this new impromptu project, brought on from my recent walk around Twmbarlwm. I have a title for the project now- Some Place Different and will be psycho geographical guides to interest places I have visited. I am still working on specifics on the project so, if you are interested in the progress of this work, watch this space and follow this tag [Some Place Different].

Sunday 10 October 2021

Someplace Different - Twmbarlwm

With my short story Gobble having been published 39 days ahead of schedule, I have found myself with over 5 weeks of free 'creative time'. I am not too sure where I will be going with this, or if the proposed series of fotozines/guides this project may open up has any legs but, ay, let's have some fun with this...