Sunday, February 19, 2024
Work on Cold Comfort has progressed nicely over the past few days and I am firmly on track to getting the end of my final edit completed before the close of the week. We'll, kind of. As I have already noted, this is both my 8th and 1st novel, it's infant draft being completed over 25 years ago before being stuffed in a drawer and half forgotten about. Unfortunately, over that time, and enduring no less than 4 house moves, Chapters 1 and two of the book have vanished. Wanting to keep to my deadline of getting the beast published by the end of March, that will give me 5 or so weeks to search all my old files that have been aphazardly stored on recordable CDs over the years. My wife bought me CD drive last Christmas for the unenviable task. I only hope the search for the missing chapters will prove worthwhile as I REALLY do not look forward to rewriting them. Please, wish me luck.