The digital home of author & photographer Chris Elphick | All content, unless otherwise stated, is copyrighted © Chris Elphick
Showing posts with label Pagan Stone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pagan Stone. Show all posts

Friday 25 March 2022

Solstice Continues...

March 26, 2022

It looks like my hope for renewed creativity, mentioned in my self-pity post the other day, has been granted. Sat out in the garden today, without a clue how I was going to bring the book to a conclusion, I started the final story in my Solstice series of stories afresh.

The new version of the finale of this portmanteau novel addresses the main problem I had with the conclusion that I previously could not quite square.

Whilst, as mentioned in my previous post, I will have topostpone the publication date of Pagan Stone, I feel confident again thatI should be able to keep to the Solstice publication deadline. 😊 

Sunday 20 March 2022

Pagan Stone -scratching an intro

March 19, 2022

Sunshine and a little bit of warmth has been like a godsend to me these past few days and I can feel the Spring weather doing more for my mental health than any fluoxetine or paroxetine tablet I have been taking over the past few month.

Whilst the plants in the garden grow, see,  so the stirring of creativity wriggle free of their constraints. Hopefully, it will flourish over the coming weeks. But, for now, its baby steps...

Friday 18 March 2022

Feeling Poorly

 It has been a tough few weeks, spent battling SWS. The NHS, disabled by this sour Tory government, have been of little help, save for the  prescribing of an antidepressant (paroxetine) to help my mind safely navigate my condition. To add to my physical pain and distress, I have been trying to secure my paid employment through these difficult times by attempting a negotiation for a different (working from home) role with my employer., the fruits of which are still unknown as my time off work sick continues its tick-tock.

Whilst I have had plenty of time of late to work on my personal creative project, foremost amongst them right now being Pagan Stone, SWS has left me both physically and mentally exhausted, to the degree where I now have serious misgivings about getting this guidebook published on time. As they say, only time will tell...


Saturday 5 March 2022

Pagan Stone ~ Haunts of the Olde Gods

'Tis time to crackdown with my second major project of 2022 - the third in my series of guide books on the Gower Peninsula. This new entry to my continuing exploration of my home turf, introduces the reader to this area's standing stones, prehistoric burial monuments and other ancient sacred sites.  I have called the book Pagan Stone ~ Haunts of the olde Gods.

Unfortunately, I have a rather tough deadline on the completion of this project and have just 55 left to get it all written, illustrated, designed and published. And with that in mind, I made an immediate start, working up ideas on a possible cover design of the book:

Its' time to knuckle down and make this book a reality...