The digital home of author, artist & photographer Chris Elphick | All content, unless otherwise stated, is copyrighted © Chris Elphick

Monday, 31 October 2022

One Night Buried

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Cracking on with the second draft of ONB:

First Day in Garden, 2023

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Wow, that was a long Autumn and Winter. But finally, the day when it is warm enough to sit out in the garden arrived - just.

I used the few hours I spent outside reading Guy N Smith's Night of the Werewolf, which is thoroughly enjoyable - like all of Guy's lycanthropic novels.

The furry girls seemed to enjoy their time exploring nature too:

It is so good to see some colour reappearing in the garden too. The forget-me-nots are looking lush... are the tulips:

Night of the Werewolf

Monday, April 10, 2034

Reading the last of GNS' werewolf novels. This title is ridiculously difficult to source. My copy  was retrieved from Guy's old home for me by his family. For which, I am extremely grateful. Thank you.

Bamboo Guerillas

Saturday,  April 08, 2023

Time to read Guy N Smith most notorious novel. Fudjcat is already looking nervous:

A Cool Delivery

Saturday, April 1, 2023

The postie handed me these this morning. Was chuffed to find the seller had included a free hand-written article by Guy N Smith with the order. Both books are also signed by the author. ☺️

GNS writing ©Black Hill Books Ltd

Graveyard Companions

I met these fellows this week when I photographed a Swansea graveyard recently cleared of much of the bramble and Japanese knotweed that had kept it hidden from view for many years. No matter where you are, there are always glimpses of the magickal nature of our world. Sometimes it is difficult to see. Practising photography daily helps. 

GNS - Book 9/2023

Thursday, March 30, 2028

Time to start my 9th Guy N Smith book of 2023. Hoping I can read this one quick as I have one of Guy's infamous classics on its way to me through the post, which I want to start reading as soon as it arrives...

Guy N Smith Bibliography/Book Reviews Announcement

Announcing a work-in-progress - a Guy N Smith appreciation page. 

Anyone who has taken even the most cursory glance at this blog, or my other social media outlets, will already be aware I have set myself a reading challenge this year. My mission? To read as many Guy N Smith books as possible during 2023. When I first set myself this goal, I'd set myself the target of maybe eight to ten GNS books to read over the year.  But I have already read eight GNS books, and it is not yet the close of March! Goodness knows how many titles I can get through by December 2023, but I will try my best to make it as decent a final count as I am able.

As well as reading as many GNS books as I can this year, I am also making the most of this time by building up a nice collection of GNS books, including some of the writer's original hand-written manuscripts! I am also using any headwind I gain in my other creative commitments to work on a guide to Guy N Smith's horror output, including a photographic bibliography and reviews. This page will be a continuing work-in-progress, as despite being an avid collector, I will rely on my copies of Guy's books to illustrate the bibliography.  Given the number and price of some of Guy's books, I will be in no position to purchase, read, let alone review, his entire impressive output any time soon.

Still, I hope this little side project will provide an exciting resource for fans and neophyte GNS readers alike. Remember, the Guy N Smith page will be continuously updated, especially during 2023. With Guy's estate planning to republish his work and bring his official website back into service soon, there should be big news on the GNS on its way! So pop on over and take a gander at my growing GNS resource. And get in touch if you have any feedback and/or advice or can offer in the progression of this service.

Witch Spell datadump

Sunday, March 26, 2023

One Night Buried - 1/3 Done

Saturday, March 25, 2023

1/3 of the way through editing and rewriting the second draft of One Night Buried. So far, I am really happy with both my progress and the quality of the writing 👌☺️

A Sunday Sesh

Sunday, March 19, 2023

A Sunday morning writing session, squished between these two furballs. Making the most of my last day before returning to the day job...

Companion Writing

Friday, March 16, 2023

Cracking on with the second draft of One Night Dead. When fudjcat let's mem

Cold Comfort & One Night Buried Book Covers

 I was due back at work today but instead phoned the office to take the rest of the week off. I have had a pretty productive few days editing and decided I was in no mood for working for the man whilst enjoying this rush of creativity.

Making the most of this unexpected extra time off, I managed to sort out the covers of the novels I am currently working on and which should be published later in the year. I am more than happy with the pair of them and am classing March 16th, 2023, as a day well spent. :)

'Scurried', not 'Hurried'

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 

Work on Draft 2 of One Night Buried begins...

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Friday, 28 October 2022

Garth Marenghi

Night out with my son to see the brilliantly funny Garth Marenghi. He signed his book for me, too. 😄

Arrived early... but the theatre was full before
Garth Marenghi worked his magic

Buying a book before taking my place in th
 queue for a personal signing.

The legendary scribe and dreamweaver himself

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Cold Comfort ~ Draft 2 Completed

Monday, March 13, 2023

I completed the second draft of Cold Comfort this morning. :) I don't have to think about it again for 3 months as I begin working on draft two of my other novel earmarked for publication later this year - One Night Buried. In the meantime, I can relax and prepare for my night out with my son in Cardiff to see the mighty Garth Marenghi!

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Guy N Smith: Book 8

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Time to read my 8th Guy N Smith book of 2023. I had to buy this novel from America as its price here in the UK is astronomical! Still, it was a U.S. only publication: