The digital home of author & photographer Chris Elphick | All content, unless otherwise stated, is copyrighted © Chris Elphick
Showing posts with label There are Vampires in Hell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label There are Vampires in Hell. Show all posts

Monday 22 May 2023

Private Property

Monday, May 22, 2023

2023 Publish Dates

The Vampire in Chains Cover Design

3/10. The second draft of Vampire in Chains has been completed, and a publication date set. The next five weeks will be devoted to my third book on the Gower Peninsula, which will be titled Remnants of War and has a publication date set in stone. I will be visiting a few locations along the old 'Gower Stop' line today on the Burry Estuary, with another scheduled Gower shoot pencilled in for May 31, when I will be spending the day sourcing the World War II relics located around Fairwood Common. With this morning's update completed, it's time for me to crack on...

Oops. But a project is a project:

These are the North Gower anti-tank defences on the Loughor side of the estuary:

Our parking spot for today's photoshoot

Monday 31 October 2022

One Night Buried - 1/3 Done

Saturday, March 25, 2023

1/3 of the way through editing and rewriting the second draft of One Night Buried. So far, I am really happy with both my progress and the quality of the writing 👌☺️

Cold Comfort & One Night Buried Book Covers

 I was due back at work today but instead phoned the office to take the rest of the week off. I have had a pretty productive few days editing and decided I was in no mood for working for the man whilst enjoying this rush of creativity.

Making the most of this unexpected extra time off, I managed to sort out the covers of the novels I am currently working on and which should be published later in the year. I am more than happy with the pair of them and am classing March 16th, 2023, as a day well spent. :)

'Scurried', not 'Hurried'

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 

Work on Draft 2 of One Night Buried begins...

Sunday 2 October 2022

Read, write and cwtch the cat day

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Well, this is the last day of my two-week break from my day job. But, instead of getting all down in the dumps, I will look back on how I have used this break from the grind and what I have achieved from it.

Since this post, written at the start of my break, my meds seem to be slowly aiding my condition, and I am at last starting to see an improvement in my health. Fingers crossed, Methotrexate is finally the drug to get me back on my feet again...

Reading-wise, I have slowed down a little these past couple of weeks. But the current book I am reading, Guy N Smith's Death Bell, is one of my favourites of his so far. And I want to savour it, especially as I am so far ahead in my reading schedule this year :)

My biggest achievement over my two-week break from the day job is the progress I have made on Cold Comfort. I have now ploughed through most of the second draft of this, my longest novel, and am now a whole three months ahead of schedule. Instead of completing this second draft by the end of June, I now aim to get it completed by the end of March 2023. I will then take a few weeks break from Cold Comfort to work on the second draft of the vampire novel I wrote late last year. I hope to get the second drafts of both of this year's novels completed by the end of June. This will give me a solid six months to complete the third and final drafts of both novels, as well as produce my third Explore Gower guidebook.

So, all things considered, today is not a day to dread the coming of tomorrow and my return to the drudgery of earning a living. Instead, it is a day to celebrate the hard work I have put in these past few weeks to not only keep my creative spark alive, but to turn it into a blazing bonfire! 

Time to chill...

Monday 22 August 2022

One Night Buried - draft 1 completed

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Well, this is quickest first draft of a novel I have ever knocked up. And, given the speed of its construction, I am quite pleased with the tale. The storyline has more twists in its plot than any of my other books, many of which surprised even me! I am already looking forward to the hard graft of crafting, polishing and word-smithing draft 2 of One Night Buried.

Sunday 14 August 2022

Guy Fawke's Night

 November 5, 2022

I spent this bonfire night comforting the furry girls and progressing my new Vampire novel...