A Cacophany of Crows

As if they were celebrating the first day of Summer, a gathering of Jackdaws heralded the breaking dawn by deciding to wake the whole neighbourhood with their raucous caws. The two resident nesting magpies seemed to take umbrage to the Jackdaw's presence and added to the cacophony with their quarrelsome cackles.

Despite it being 4.30 in the morning, I managed to drag myself out of bed to take a couple of photographs of the morning Summer sky. I even managed a little audio recording of the birds:

A Record-Breaking May...

Well, what a glorious end to Spring 2020. We were all really spoiled with the weather here in the UK in May - with the month breaking the record of the sunniest calendar month on record!  My garden has flourished in the sunshine and has continued to offer me solace as the pandemic continues to sweep across the world. We even managed to have a bbq, our first this year :)

My writing spot for the day

Making the most of being on lockdown by seating myself here to do a bit writing today. I must say, however, it seems decidedly strange writing a Christmas ghost story in the glorious hot sunshine.

A Time to Chill

Cracking On With Draft 3

Pens at the ready...


A Short Gardening Break #9

Hopefully, this will be the last of my short gardening break interlude pics for a while as, after just over two weeks of being treated for acute anxiety, I am beginning to feel more like my old self again. I will get the second draft of my Christmas ghost story out tomorrow and try to do at least a little work on it. Fingers crossed.

For now though, here is a picture I took of my tortoise enjoying the garden yesterday...

A Short Gardening Break #7

I am feeling a little brighter this morning so hopefully, my shortening gardening break will soon give way to some serious writing. Fingers crossed...

A Short Gardening Break #6

I love my shed door knocker :)