Amanita published

The second of my four festive folk horror stories is now published and is available both in paperback and for kindle here!


'Tis Done :)

 'Tis done. My second of four festive folk horrors has been sent to the publishers :)

I now need to crack on with the third tale in this series of interconnected Christmas stories. But first...

Amanita - Last Few Edits

 Working on the last few edits of Amanita ~ a Solstice story before it gets published.

Nostalgia #4

My prized memo of seeing Kate Bush live a few years back. These poems were fired out at the audience during the drowning-at-sea middle section of the gig.

Amanita ~ Day 88/100

When your laptop is useless in the sunny garden grrr... (Yes, she does watch me like this most of the time lol)

Day 78/100

 Day 78/100. Draft 2 complete :) I now have 22 days to get the final third draft completed. It's going to be a tight finish...