Passenger Seat (4)


Passenger Seat (3)

 I have a particular soft spot for the above image. I just wish the cow had turned her head slightly towards me as I took the short. Ay oh.

Passenger Seat (2)


~Passenger Seat~

The first image from my next photography project- Passenger Seat:

 As you can see, I am still a fan of low-res imagery. There are lots of reasons for this, which I will try to put into words  over the course of this project :)

Plenery 2/ is Published!

Plenery 2/ is now available for purchase via your local Amazon site :)

Pwscat Interupting My Flow

This Pwscat is  interupting my flow - yet again lol



August 18, 2021

Well, the concept behind this story really has been stuck in my head for a few years now. The idea was just waiting for a suitable storyline to accompany it. In quick flash of inspiration today, this has now made itself  known to me. Set in London, all I need now is a bit of spare time to do a little work on it...

Given the setting of this folk horror tale, I think a timely sharing of an audio recording I made a few years back in in order: