Gobble ~ Draft 1 Completed :)

 Sunday, August 29, 2021

Hung out to dry

Daughter of Darkness by J.R. Lowell

 Saturday, August 28, 2021

Some more axolotl pics:

Passenger Seat - Images 32 - 33


Y'all have a nice day :)

Back to Writing Gobble

Friday, August 27, 2021


Passenger Seat 29 - 31

Axolotl (2b)

I have been fascinated with axolotls since childhood, when I inherited an old wildlife book of strange animals. Unfortunately, I no longer have that book to share a picture of it, but one of the animals featured was of a leucistic axolotl. The image of this animal really piqued my interest and I could scarcely believe that such a weird-looking animal could exist in reality. Back in those days, there was no internet and I could find no further reference to such a thing as an axolotl throughout the entirety of my childhood. I believe that this was the first instance in my life that I felt the sense that there was something fascinating in the world that my mind had trouble grasping, and set up my interest in seeking out the extraordinary in the world.