Showing posts with label Solstice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solstice. Show all posts

A Thankyou to Amber

The paperback of Gobble arrived today. I am well happy with the way it looks. Whilst I usually provide the artwork and photography for my publications, the honours for the art in this book goes to my daughter. Thank you, Amber xxxx

Gobble is off to the publisher!

 Gobble, the third tale in my forthcoming portmanteau novel Solstice has now been sent off to the publisher and should be available for purchase as a paperback and kindle book sometime over this forthcoming weekend :)

Writer's Block!

Monday, October 4, 2021

Gobble ~ draft 2 write-ups

Sunday, September 12, 2021


Having a lazy morning...

Spending a lazy morning in bed, typing up the completed second draft of Gobble.

My office this morning

 The second draft of Gobble is coming along very nicely. As it should given the quality of my office this morning :)

Looks like it is just not our cats who are interested in my writing. One of my neighbour's cats popped in this morning to have a nose what I was doing:

A halcyon day :)

 Sunday, September 06, 2021

Second drafting a festive folk horror in the early autumn sun


Gobble ~ draft 2 begins...

September 01, 2021


Gobble ~ Draft 1 Completed :)

 Sunday, August 29, 2021

Pwscat Interupting My Flow

This Pwscat is  interupting my flow - yet again lol


Working in Work

Had to head into my evening job early today. We aren't allowed to mix with the day crew due to covid, so I sat out in the work's garden for an hour and a half working on Solstice. Progressed the connection between the various stories in the novel nicely during this writing shift. An early afternoon spent well :)

Breakfast in the Sunshine

I took my work and my breakfast out into the garden this morning to make the most of the sunshine :)



Putting off writing by taking photographs of my writing. Again.


Cracking On With Gobble

Cracking on with my vegan folk horror Christmas tale ~ Gobble.


Gobble Progress...

Making good progress with this, the third of 4 interconnected festive folk horror tales. This story, titled Gobble, is an anti-carnist story about a boy determined not to let his farmer father kill his favourite turkey for Christmas...


Gobble w.i.p.

The sun may be out but it is still a tad cold outside in the magickal garden. Still, with a nice cup of coffee to keep me warm and a notepad and pen to keep me company, I managed to get a good few pages of Gobble, the third story in the Solstice series, down on paper this morning.

And when the coffee was gone, and the chill breeze ate away at my comfort levels, I managed to continue with the folk horror tale inside...

Amanita published

The second of my four festive folk horror stories is now published and is available both in paperback and for kindle here!