Pixie-Led ~ a devilish tale of smoke and mirrors

Well here it is - Pixie-Led ~ a devilish tale of smoke and mirrors. After all the hard work I have put into this over the past 10 month, it is a wonderful feeling seeing the finalised physical book in all its glory :) 

Storyboarding - Chapter One of Berserk!

I wish I could draw! lol

Dawn Chorus

The rewards of rising early at this time of year are immense!


So excited to start work on my next novella , I began
writing it on the work's coach home this evening
With my fourth novella, Pixie-Led, now published and available to buy, I started writing Chapter One of my fifth novella, Berserk!, this evening. I have been musing on this new book for the last month or so but its strange how my story plots only ever truly take shape when I put pen to paper and actually start writing the story itself. After a month of basic note-taking and research, the denouement of my next book came to me like a bolt out of the blue within a few minutes of writing the very first paragraph of it. I have to admit that I am getting pretty excited by this tale, even though it is still in its infancy. I won't go into too much detail at the moment, but the story, whilst still the same as the basic plot I outlined here, has now developed a dark Viking theme too.

Pixie-Led is Published! :o)

I have spent so much time with the characters in this book it feels quite sad saying farewell to them and sending them out to make new friends. Here it is though, finally out of my hands and out in the world. I hope you like it :)

Buy Pixie-Led here.

It is now time to find some new characters to work with...


With Pixie-Led off to the publishers, I am already knee-deep in research for my next novel:

Lore ~ a fishy tale of maritime folklore. Promo

The second of my book video promos, this one of for Lore ~ a fishy tale of maritime folklore:


Pixie-Led has now been sent off for publication...

Light on Water

Light on Water