Published! The Verry Volk

Two days ahead of schedule, I am happy to report that The Verry Volk has now been published and is available in both paperback and Kindle editions :) You can purchase your copy here.
The Verry Volk book cover

The Verry Volk - published and ready to purchase from Amazon

Now it is time for me to concentrate on continuing the second draft of Berserk!

Shed Sounds

A field recording of the last summer day we spent in our garden in 2019. As with all my audio recordings, this is best listened to with a good set of headphones:

Berserk! Draft 2. Chapter 5. Completed.

Sunflowers at Night

Following on from last year's visit to the local sunflower field, I paid a late 3 a.m. visit to the site last night. It was an eerie experience to say the least!

Splinter - More Christmas Trouble

I am still experimenting with working out the plots of my books by story-boarding them:

Solstice Postie...