The Shed is Coming Along Nicely

I am slowly getting there with my writing shed. The inside door and window frames need a bit of a paint, the shelves need a clean and a de-clutter and the windows require a good wash, but I am pleased with the progress I am making with it, especially given the fact that I couldn't move in there for clutter just a few months ago. :)

Berserk! Draft 2 Complete :)

Despite the pretty grim cold that descended upon me this morning, which had me suffering and sneezing all day, I took the opportunity afforded to me this afternoon to grab a couple of hours out in the sunshine, where I managed to complete the second draft of Berserk!

Completing the second draft of Berserk!
It is now time to get on with the third and final draft... :)

Berserk! Draft 2. Chapter 8.

Troubled by some irksome dream, I rose early this morning and nipped out into my writing shed with a steaming cup of coffee. Stepping inside the shed, I was confronted by these beautiful shadows above the chill-out settee I have in there.

Shadows on the wall above my chill-out settee
I have had a good few day's writing and am now two weeks ahead of schedule as I begin work on the second draft of Chapter 9 of Berserk! :)

Working on draft 2 of Chapter 9 of Berserk!

Berserk! Draft 2. Chapter 8. Complete :)

I spent this morning out in my writing shed, listening to a little Japan and enjoying the faint warmth of the autumn sun on my face as I completed the second draft of Chapter 8 of Berserk. I am still ahead in my writing schedule, 12 days ahead to be precise, and am confident I can get this beast of a novella completed by the end of the year. But the clock is definitely ticking...

The Verry Volk

Just received my copy of The Verry Volk. I am happy to report it is now available to purchase from Amazon