Local Bus Field Recording

Philip K Dick ~ The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

I have been doing a lot of reading these past two weeks and have recently completed both George Orwell's '1984' (last week) and Stephen King's 'Misery' (today). This was to clear time for the mammoth push required in December to complete my novel Berserk! Unfortunately, I then saw this Philip K Dick book on sale in HMV in their buy 2 for £5 offers: 

Philip K Dick ~ The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
I can tell you now, with a blurb as intriguing and exciting as the one on the back of this book, I will not be able to resist tucking myself between its pages within the net few hours. And, as usual with Philip  Dick, my mind will then be imprisoned within that dystopian world until I have served my time and devoured every last word of the novel:

The Blurb
Oh well, I guess the deadline of December 31 for the completion of Berserk! is going to be every bit the battle I envisioned it to be (which is quite apt given the subject of the book).

Berserk! Chapter 8. Final Draft.


The whole house (and probably our whole street) were awoken last night by the loudest and longest thunderclap I have ever heard. I have never been one to be afraid of thunder and lightning, indeed I love a good storm, but the ferocity of this particular thunderclap was startling, to say the least. Racing from my bed to find my audio-recorder, I managed to set it up with only seconds to spare before the second and final crash of thunder rolled across the heavens above me. Unfortunately, this second thunderclap was more distant and quieter than the first but I am happy to have been able to add the following recording of it to my portfolio of field recordings:


Halloween Theme 2019 ~ Pop Funko #13

I could not think of a better way to complete this year's Halloween Pop Funko theme than by photographing the infamous Michael Myer's from John Carpenter's classic horror film - Halloween:

All they took was some Halloween masks, a rope and a couple of knives.
Who do you think it was?"

"He came home!"

Halloween Theme 2019 ~ Pop Funko #12

"Here's Johnny!"
"Wendy, I'm home!"