On I plough...

Sometimes navigating a pen across a piece of paper feels like dragging an anchor through a rainforest. But, with just 94 days left to put this beast to bed, on I plough...


Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)

Look what greeted me on a grim and gloomy morning today :)


Pet Cemetary

 What a lovely walk through the pet cemetery and bluebell woods 😎😎



ShadowMe #2



The Walking Dead by Guy N Smith

 Today, I finally finished reading Guy N Smith's The Walking Dead. Sadly, this highly prolific writer passed away on Christmas Eve 2020, having contracted Covid during the UK's second wave of the virus. He has left behind a rich catalogue of over 70 horror novels. Unfortunately this particular title, a sequel to his classic of the genre, The Sucking Pit, was not one of his finer works.