
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

With the closing of Magickal Gardening until early 2023, and time off from my day job to recover from a suffocating cold virus, this morning gave me the opportunity of progressing my next book - The Curious Adventures of Mister Jonathon Pyewacket. 

This story is not my usual folk-horror fodder, though it is set in both the real and magickal world. It is, instead, a twisted children's story about a man borne from a love affair 'tween a human mother and an elf. Bored by the mundanity of the 'real' world, he nips in and out from the world of fae, to make his life more bearable.  Unfortunately, if this has whetted your appetite to read the tale, I am still progressing the storyline on its first draft so this won't be available for purchase just yet... 


Sunday, September 18, 2022


 I had my DNA results in recently. Slightly on the pricey side  but it's well worth it. Click on the link below to see my results:

Jumping out of my skin!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

When you stumble into the bathroom without your glasses and jump out of your skin when you see a huge dead spider - only to then find out it's just a hair grip lol!

Note Taking

 Thursday, September 15, 2022

Incy Wincy

Sunday, September 11, 2022 

Tomorrow I return to the job that pays my bills. I thought I'd make the most of my remaining free time with a little creative writing. As I opened my writing pad, a small spider scrambled across the page and lingered there. It was nice seeing him take such a keen interest in my work-in-progress 😀

Ironing Pyewacket

August 29, 2022

Managed to get my head around the first curious adventure of Mister Jonathan Pyewacket today. It's story has been coalescing for around a year now but today's stint of work in the garden has helped iron out the creased beast into something that will be far more presentable and should hopefully astonish the reader enough to make them anticipate any further magickal adventures Mister Pyewacket might stumble upon in the future.

My muse flutters its wings

August 15, 2022

For the first time in what seems like a very real age, I felt my creative muse make its presence known to me, fluttering its wings as it (hopefully) awakens and brings my creativity back to life...

 I have finally decided the narrative voice that will be used to tell the tale of Jonathan Pyewacket. Hopefully, this decision will give the unfurling story a decisive edge and clear the story of unnecessary 'clutters...

Peace and Quiet in the Sunshine...

August 11, 2022

A little peace and quiet sat out in the sunshine. It's been a tough few months health-wise. I am hoping for better things in the future...