Thursday 18 October 2018

Roche Rock

I closed the first full day of my Cornish holiday with a visit to the fantastically dramatic ruins of St. Michael's Chapel. Set high on Roche Rock, there is a definite air of brooding isolation here and it came as surprise when I learned that the chapel was believed to have been home to a leper many, many moons ago.

The brooding Roch Rock and St. Michael's Chapel

Equally unsurprising, Roche Rock is also said to be haunted by the ghost of a tin miner, who has been heard tapping at the rocks with the ruins of the chapel.

Roche Rock was a foreboding site and was well worth the drive out to see it. Unfortunately, it was early evening by the time I reached the place and so I did not have the time to climb to the rock's summit. The atmosphere of the site was imposing, however, even when stood below the landmark. I have added a short video I took whilst there, to hopefully more fully convey the feel of the place.