Thursday 28 March 2019

Spring has Sprung!

I won't lie. Winter's are a very real struggle for me. There appears to be two distinct versions of myself. And they are delineated clearly by the seasons. My hopes, inspirations, even my simple enjoyment of life are lost, swallowed whole, in the black void that is winter. In a possible attempt to protect myself through the darker half of the year, my minds goes into hibernation mode as early as September. My thoughts become cloudy and unfocused, as though it is afraid to think or even try to motivate itself. I have grown to dread this gloomy half of the year. But whilst my fear of this seasonal melancholy can and does stain my enjoyment of the brighter and warmer months in this country, my anticipation of the return of spring and summer offer a guiding light that helps me through the harsher moments of winter.

With all that said, it was with great relief this morning that bright morning sunshine drew me out into my garden with a mug of coffee in hand. Waiting for the drink to cool, I took a wander around the flower beds and saw, with delight, that Spring had finally sprung! I cherished my day in the garden, with the rays of the sun warm upon my face and very much look forward to the days, weeks and months ahead...

A morning coffee in the garden - one of life's simple pleasures