Saturday 18 May 2019

My New Writing Desk :)

I have always wanted one of these, ever since I was little - an Edwardian writing bureau. And now I finally possess one. And here it is, in situ, in the writing shed I have been working on creating in my garden since last Summer:

My new Edwardian writing bureau

The writing bureau with writing top lowered

Cubby holes and shelves on the writing desk

Pen draw

My 'special' writing pen, from my childhood days

An old 1970's ornament, now occupying one of the cubby holes

I found the writing bureau on ebay last night and put in an offer, which the seller was more than happy to accept. Luckily, the desk was located just down the road from me and I picked it up this morning. I am feeling very happy this morning with my new purchase and am more enthusiastic about continuing the conversion of my old shed now. I can hardly wait to settle myself at the desk, pen in hand and write as the rain hits the windows and the tin roof. It should be very atmospheric...

P.S. I will do a brief audio recording in the shed the next time it rains heavily to try and share the ambience of the place a little :)