The digital home of author & photographer Chris Elphick | All content, unless otherwise stated, is copyrighted © Chris Elphick

Monday 8 July 2019

Sheringham 1940's Weekend 2018

Spending a day exploring a few Norfolk beaches in Norfolk last year, we ended up at Sheringham, where we all suddenly felt like we had slipped through a Goodnight Sweetheart time portal into the war years of the 1940's. It was quite an eerie sensation, I can tell you. 

As it transpired, there was no need to panic as all we had really done was to visit Sheringham during its annual 1940's Weekend.

It was a surreal afternoon/evening but the experience was amazing and afforded a fantastic opportunity to photograph something just that little bit different.


And big kudos to Sheringham for having the biggest sense of community spirit I have ever encountered. Cheers for a truly remarkable day.