Wednesday 19 February 2020

Storm Dennis From My Bathtub

Well, we have certainly been battered by storms these past few weeks. I can't really remember such a continually blustery February!

But I do love the sound of the wind rattling through the house. The sounds are distinct in every room. The attic room with its twin skylights sounds great when the rain or hails pounds at the skyward-facing glass. The front porch has the sound of cars sluicing through the drenched streets, which when recorded can sound immense when replayed through headphones when the slushing cars sound like they are driving right through your head! From our back bedrooms, even during storms, the sound of our garden birds can be heard shrilling above the gusts. But during this last spell of wet and windy weather, I found it was my bathroom that transmitted the most evocative sounds. Have a listen to Storm Dennis below, recorded from my bathtub, but please use a set of headphones to get the full effect. Driving wind, lashing rain, howling pipes and creaking doors await...