Sunday 17 October 2021

Farewell Twmbarlwm, (well, kinda...)

My imagination literally amok during the few hours I spent exploring Twmbarlm. It's a place I had not even heard of until the morning I decided to look for somewhere new in South Wales to explore. But its a place that will linger in my mind for a long time to come...

Locally known as 'Twmp', this mystic tumulus is also more widely nicknamed 'The Nipple' given the hill's appearance to a breast, and is, in fact, an Iron Age hillfort, constructed by the Celtic Silues tribe [more info here].

Twmbarlwm Summit, aka 'The Nipple'

It would have been amiss of me not to climb Twmbarlwm's 419m summit and share a few images from its height, so here they are: 

One of the defensive ditches on Twmbarlwm

The place is stepped in folklore, much of which I still haven't ha the opportunity to study (I will leave a few links here if you are thirsty for this info right now.

I will leave Twmbarlwm there, for now. But I will be returning to the place - maybe not physically, but creatively very, very soon :)