Wednesday, March 08, 2023
I woke up to snow this morning. 😍
Unfortunately, not!
Still, I managed to snag a couple of snow pics I was happy with for my Explore Swansea site that I was pleased with. 👍
This is a good point to finalise my decision on the future of a couple of my online projects. My Magickal Gardening site WILL CONTINUE, but its access to the general public has now been rescinded. As I first suggested in this earlier post, access to Magickal Gardening will now be offered only to supporters of The Pixie-Led Blog. I have also decided to make Explore-Swansea accessible only to supporters of the Pixie-Led Blog. My Swansea photography site is a MASSIVE catalogue of images of Swansea and is a real treasure-trove for lovers of my home town! How do you become a supporter of my blog? Simples. Just buy me a coffee!
* Supporters buying me x1 coffee will now gain access to Magickal Gardening.
* Supporters buying me x2 coffees will now gain access to both Magickal Gardening and Explore Swansea.
For the time being, Explore-Gower, will remain accessible to the general public...