Friday 10 November 2023

Guy Photohoot Prep

 Friday, 10 November, 2023

With my Guy N Smith reading year coming to an end next month, I'm already starting to collect items to make GNS character photoshoots, including Lego versions of some classic GNS covers. The photo below represents just a few of the props I already collated. The book covers I can so far reproduce as Lego Covers are Werewolf by Moonlight, The Slime Beast, Bats out of Hell, Satan's Snowdrop, Doomflight, Wolfcurse, Accursed, Throwback, The Walking Dead, Alligators, The Reaper and Deadbeat. More to follow as I source more suitable Lego parts...These will feature in my book about Guy's works and the fun that can be had reading and collecting his books. This should reach the shelves late next year. #guynsmith