Friday 8 December 2023

GNS - Doomflight

 Friday, December 08, 2023

My Guy N Smith Lego project is progressing nicely, with photographs for The Dark One, Nightspawn, The Sucking Pit, Caracal, Werewolf by Moonlight, The Slime Beast, Alligators, The Camp & The Cadaver already in the bag. Still lots to go...  but I am keeping the final pics of the Lego cover reconstruction (not my re-imaginings) for my forthcoming book exploring Guy's imagination. So if you want to see them, look out for the fanzine's publication sometime in the first half of next tear. 

Now it's time for Doomflight. I will be recreating both the actual cover for this book, which is probably my favourite of Guy's book covers, as well as making my own cover version, which will feature the mysterious druids. As usual, watch this space...