Monday 18 December 2023

Merry Christmas One and All

Monday, December 19, 2023

Reading Caracal. Reaching the part where Bertie gets left out in the dark and rain without his supper...

Reading my last Guy N Smith book for a while as my year-long reading project comes to a close. Which means, it's time to start putting together some thoughts for my write-up of reading, collecting and enjoying Guy's work. This will be featured in a full-colour fanzine book called The Imaginarium. 
The book, dedicated wholly to Guy, is planned to be the first in a series of zines/books celebrating scary storytelling. I've already got an idea for issue 2 percolating in my head (something along the lines of eerie children's books) so I think it's time to crack on with Issue One. Thanks Guy, you've truly entertained me throughout 2023.