Wednesday 10 April 2024

Guy N Smith Zine Cover Reveal

Wednesday, 10 April, 2024

I have a nice writing routine in the caravan, which has allowed me to make very good progress with my GNS zine/book. Unfortunately, this routine will come to an end this coming Friday, as the weekend will be taken up with my 24-hour writing marathon. I hope this will result in a full first draft of my 9th horror novel, Familiar. The two prime characters of this story are a teenage girl and a toad! Then, on Monday, I will be returning to the office after my mix of sick leave and, latterly, Annual Leave. God only knows what this will do to my schedule, though I am confidant of completing my Guy N Smith book within the 100-day project deadline. But, on the plus side of returning to the grind of working for 'The Man'... Well, I get to keep my job. So, it's full steam ahead with my creative work this week. One of the things I worked on today was the cover design of the GNS zine - I hope you like it.

And, if you want to spoil the magic of how I created the above werewolf image, scroll down below: