Saturday 16 October 2021

Twmbarlwm Magic

 I love the iconic magical shape formed between these two conjoined trees in Twmbarlwm.

Friday 15 October 2021

Scooby Doo Trees ~ Twmbarlwm

En route up to 'The Twmb', a row of trees that appeared to have been imported from a Scooby Doo cartoon or a movie retelling of Sleepy Hollow pulled me briefly off course. I nearly used the word grotesque to describe their appearance, but on closer inspection, the moss-softened trees seemed more sensual than that term relays. Recent scientific evidence seems to support the idea that trees communicate with one another and can actually help look after one another in times of need. Here, in Twmbarlwm, these trees appeared like kindred spirits, enjoying each others company both emotionally and physically:

Thursday 14 October 2021

Amethyst Deceiver (Laccaria amethystina)

Have you ever seen a fungus like this before? It's so purple! Amethyst Deceiver (Laccaria amethystina), Twmbarlwm:

Monday 11 October 2021

Twmbarlwm ~ tis the season

At certain times of the year, around about this time, in fact, the field behind this fence offers keys to the world of faery. Despite seeing numerous excited travellers step across this threshold, I kept their anonymity intact by keeping the lens of my camera focused elsewhere. After-all, it is not as though photographic opportunities are in short supply in Twmbarlwm...


Sunday 10 October 2021

Someplace Different - Twmbarlwm

With my short story Gobble having been published 39 days ahead of schedule, I have found myself with over 5 weeks of free 'creative time'. I am not too sure where I will be going with this, or if the proposed series of fotozines/guides this project may open up has any legs but, ay, let's have some fun with this...

Gobble is off to the publisher!

 Gobble, the third tale in my forthcoming portmanteau novel Solstice has now been sent off to the publisher and should be available for purchase as a paperback and kindle book sometime over this forthcoming weekend :)

Friday 8 October 2021

Halloween Funko 2021 #4

"In space no one can hear you scream."