Passenger Seat (4)


Passenger Seat (3)

 I have a particular soft spot for the above image. I just wish the cow had turned her head slightly towards me as I took the short. Ay oh.

Passenger Seat (2)


~Passenger Seat~

The first image from my next photography project- Passenger Seat:

 As you can see, I am still a fan of low-res imagery. There are lots of reasons for this, which I will try to put into words  over the course of this project :)

Plenery 2/ is Published!

Plenery 2/ is now available for purchase via your local Amazon site :)

Pwscat Interupting My Flow

This Pwscat is  interupting my flow - yet again lol



August 18, 2021

Well, the concept behind this story really has been stuck in my head for a few years now. The idea was just waiting for a suitable storyline to accompany it. In quick flash of inspiration today, this has now made itself  known to me. Set in London, all I need now is a bit of spare time to do a little work on it...

Given the setting of this folk horror tale, I think a timely sharing of an audio recording I made a few years back in in order:


August 15, 2021

I spent a much-needed day at the seaside over the weekend, choosing Ogmore-on-Sea as my destination :) The weather was grey and overcast, with the sun struggling to make to make an occasional appearance through the clouds.

I spent the day exploring the plethora of interesting pebbles that populate the sands here, and picnicking along its numerous banks that overlook the shore. 

A fossil find, Ogmore-by-Sea

Yours truly, beachcombing, Ogmore-by-Sea

Having a Picnic, Ogmore-by-Sea

The seagulls at Ogmore-by-Sea were in a particularly boisterous mood, pressuring the more sedate human visitors to the beach for snacks. Settling down to a well-earned portion of rustic chips, purchased from the mobile cafe, these seaside gulls swooped and whirled around us in a storm of feathers and squawking beaks:

I really enjoyed my time at Ogmore-by-Sea, a rare day out these days to be sure. And the seagull's antics as they made their want for my picnic physically manifest really was the icing on the cake of my daytrip. I will end this post with a short video of the various seagulls. And honestly, they really were after my chips, despite the tongue in cheek title of the video.
Gulls Eating Tiny People:


Plenery 2/ Final Layout Sortout

August 14, 2021